Get to Know Abounding Faith – Updated Promo Videos

Get to know Abounding Faith through this updated short video. May Abounding Faith’s books, podcast, YouTube channel and more encourage you as you walk by faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams 🔥

If you’re looking for a speaker for your upcoming event, check out my updated speaker video. I’ve spoken:

🔥 at pulpits and podiums

🔥 as a guest speaker at church and chapel services and gatherings

🔥 at my conferences and events

🔥 on street corners here and abroad

🔥 in subway stations

🔥 in classrooms

🔥 in virtual classrooms, Zooms and Facebook lives

🔥 at small group meetings

🔥 I’ve also been interviewed on podcasts, local TV, online, etc …

I never take it lightly when I’m writing or speaking about God and encouraging people to live by abounding faith, hope and love and to dare to live their God-given dreams. Whether I’m speaking to a large group or speaking one-on-one to someone, it’s an honor and a privilege. Learn more about inviting me to speak to your group at my Speaker page.

Note: I’m still mainly focused on virtual events, but would love to hear about your event.


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